Friday, January 9, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle

During our Christmas adventures in eastern Kentucky, we noticed a strange phenomenon. There were stars on peoples homes. Lots of stars. BCD thought they had some significant meaning, like some sort of secret cult. With the advent of satellite TV I think it's just overdose on HGTV. On one two hour day trip through the hills we counted 73 stars on houses. Some people even doubled up and had two. It was like some crazy fairy had run amok throughout the hills of eastern Kentucky waving its magic wand and poof! there were stars everywhere. I suspect the same fairy has been in western Kentucky too. I just haven't been looking lately but I know those stars are here, I feel 'em.

1 comment:

3 Magpies said...

Yep, those stars are right here in Grand Rivers! Check them out at the Home Place across from Patti's. She sells 'em by the truck load!