Wednesday, October 29, 2008

for the small ones

The thing is, if you never speak up, never tell the truth as you know it, you will be sure to reap what you don't say.

I may still have to reap those things for which I believe not, however, if I say not, I am justly reaping.

I am speaking up for the smallest of us. Those who have yet to open their mouths, much yet speak. The unborn.

I know it is not politically correct in today's secular environment. I'll shout it out fast...Abortion kills, abortion murders children. No fruitful lives will millions live due to America's current policy of allowing federally sanctioned murder.

I ponder currently, how can anyone who calls themselves Christians, who believes that Jesus died to save them, gave His own blood for can they vote for any person who votes for abortion rights? How can a Christian, in good conscience vote for Obama?

We will surely reap what we vote for in this election.

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